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Sensei's Note to Students

         Knowing and doing are as different as night and day. The gap between knowing and doing is where great men and women are made or lost. Most of us know what we have to do to achieve our dreams, but we have a hundred and one reasons not to act on our knowledge. We don’t have enough money, we don’t have enough time, we don’t have the skills, we don’t have the materials, we don’t have the patience, we don’t have the courage and on, and on into eternity. The reality is that with all of the energy we use to think up and justify those excuses we could be halfway to achieving our goal. If only we had the motivation to get started on the “doing”. The place we have to start practicing motivational skills is with ourselves. Once we can motivate ourselves, we can motivate anyone. Set a plan, map out what to accomplish, but break your goals into manageable pieces so they won’t break you. Have the courage to ask, not react to situations. When logic tells you things are too crazy in life don’t give up on your life, give up on logic. There is no end to the negative, ungrateful people in this world. Be careful not to get hung up on other people’s hang ups. The wise man seeks the truth; fools feed on trash. Eyesight is always better than hearsay. Deal with the facts, not the fiction in any given circumstance. Always seek wisdom, not knowledge and remember a bold and courageous heart is the signpost of a fearless life.

Sensei Aman Yousufy

Grading Expectations

The examination board will have at least two members on it, the lead instructor (Sensei) and at least one other black belt.


Each belt or kyu grading examination consist of five main areas:


1. Technical - The technical aspects consist of kihon, katas, kumite, and selfdefense. You must achieve a score of at least 50% to pass the technical part of the exam.


2. Written exam (which has to 100% correct) – all tests can be found in your handbook and must be completed and handed into the office 1 hour before the grading begins. Tests should be typed and put in a presentation folder unless you have received permission to submit your handbook with your completed exam. Senior belts (green and up) may also have an essay requirement on a topic to be set by Sensei.


3. Oral exam – All Information found in your handbook and any information learned in class can be asked by the examination board. Read your handbook carefully and do your best to answer. If you don’t know the answer or can’t remember then say so.


4. Classroom performance – progress, behavior and most important the attitude of the student towards his or her training, the Dojo, other students, and instructors.


5. Personal development – your growth in understanding and practice of the philosophical and psychological aspects of Karate-Do

Everyone Works

All start from the bottom

Nothing is free

Sensei’s word is law

By consent of the governed


Sensei Peter Urban

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